1. Úvod
- 1.1 Správa verzí
- 1.2 Stručná historie systému Git
- 1.3 Základy systému Git
- 1.4 Příkazový řádek
- 1.5 Instalace systému Git
- 1.6 První nastavení systému Git
- 1.7 Získání nápovědy
- 1.8 Shrnutí
2. Základy práce se systémem Git
3. Větve v systému Git
- 3.1 Větve v kostce
- 3.2 Základy větvení a slučování
- 3.3 Správa větví
- 3.4 Postupy při práci s větvemi
- 3.5 Vzdálené větve
- 3.6 Přeskládání
- 3.7 Shrnutí
4. Git na serveru
- 4.1 Protokoly
- 4.2 Zprovoznění Gitu na serveru
- 4.3 Generování veřejného klíče SSH
- 4.4 Nastavení serveru
- 4.5 Démon Git
- 4.6 Chytrý HTTP
- 4.7 GitWeb
- 4.8 GitLab
- 4.9 Možnosti hostování u třetí strany
- 4.10 Shrnutí
5. Distribuovaný Git
- 5.1 Distribuované pracovní postupy
- 5.2 Přispívání do projektu
- 5.3 Správa projektu
- 5.4 Shrnutí
6. GitHub
7. Git Tools
- 7.1 Revision Selection
- 7.2 Interactive Staging
- 7.3 Stashing and Cleaning
- 7.4 Signing Your Work
- 7.5 Searching
- 7.6 Rewriting History
- 7.7 Reset Demystified
- 7.8 Advanced Merging
- 7.9 Rerere
- 7.10 Ladění v systému Git
- 7.11 Submodules
- 7.12 Bundling
- 7.13 Replace
- 7.14 Credential Storage
- 7.15 Shrnutí
8. Customizing Git
- 8.1 Git Configuration
- 8.2 Atributy Git
- 8.3 Git Hooks
- 8.4 An Example Git-Enforced Policy
- 8.5 Shrnutí
9. Git a ostatní systémy
- 9.1 Git as a Client
- 9.2 Migrating to Git
- 9.3 Shrnutí
10. Git Internals
- 10.1 Plumbing and Porcelain
- 10.2 Git Objects
- 10.3 Git References
- 10.4 Balíčkové soubory
- 10.5 The Refspec
- 10.6 Přenosové protokoly
- 10.7 Správa a obnova dat
- 10.8 Environment Variables
- 10.9 Shrnutí
A1. Appendix A: Git in Other Environments
- A1.1 Graphical Interfaces
- A1.2 Git in Visual Studio
- A1.3 Git in Eclipse
- A1.4 Git in Bash
- A1.5 Git in Zsh
- A1.6 Git in Powershell
- A1.7 Shrnutí
A2. Appendix B: Embedding Git in your Applications
- A2.1 Command-line Git
- A2.2 Libgit2
- A2.3 JGit
A3. Appendix C: Git Commands
- A3.1 Setup and Config
- A3.2 Getting and Creating Projects
- A3.3 Basic Snapshotting
- A3.4 Branching and Merging
- A3.5 Sharing and Updating Projects
- A3.6 Inspection and Comparison
- A3.7 Debugging
- A3.8 Patching
- A3.9 Email
- A3.10 External Systems
- A3.11 Administration
- A3.12 Plumbing Commands
A1.4 Appendix A: Git in Other Environments - Git in Bash
Git in Bash
If you’re a Bash user, you can tap into some of your shell’s features to make your experience with Git a lot friendlier. Git actually ships with plugins for several shells, but it’s not turned on by default.
First, you need to get a copy of the contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
file out of the Git source code.
Copy it somewhere handy, like your home directory, and add this to your .bashrc
. ~/git-completion.bash
Once that’s done, change your directory to a git repository, and type:
$ git chec<tab>
…and Bash will auto-complete to git checkout
This works with all of Git’s subcommands, command-line parameters, and remotes and ref names where appropriate.
It’s also useful to customize your prompt to show information about the current directory’s Git repository.
This can be as simple or complex as you want, but there are generally a few key pieces of information that most people want, like the current branch, and the status of the working directory.
To add these to your prompt, just copy the contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh
file from Git’s source repository to your home directory, add something like this to your .bashrc
. ~/git-prompt.sh
export PS1='\w$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")\$ '
The \w
means print the current working directory, the \$
prints the $
part of the prompt, and __git_ps1 " (%s)"
calls the function provided by git-prompt.sh
with a formatting argument.
Now your bash prompt will look like this when you’re anywhere inside a Git-controlled project:

prompt.Both of these scripts come with helpful documentation; take a look at the contents of git-completion.bash
and git-prompt.sh
for more information.