1. شروع به کار
- 1.1 دربارهٔ کنترل نسخه
- 1.2 تاریخچهٔ کوتاهی از گیت
- 1.3 گیت چیست؟
- 1.4 خط فرمان
- 1.5 نصب گیت
- 1.6 اولین راهاندازی گیت
- 1.7 کمک گرفتن
- 1.8 خلاصه
2. مقدمات گیت
- 2.1 دستیابی به یک مخزن گیت
- 2.2 ثبت تغییرات در مخزن
- 2.3 دیدن تاریخچهٔ کامیتها
- 2.4 بازگردانی کارها
- 2.5 کار با ریموتها
- 2.6 برچسبگذاری
- 2.7 نامهای مستعار در گیت
- 2.8 خلاصه
3. شاخهسازی در گیت
- 3.1 شاخهها در یک کلمه
- 3.2 شاخهسازی و ادغام مقدماتی
- 3.3 مدیریت شاخه
- 3.4 روند کاری شاخهسازی
- 3.5 شاخههای ریموت
- 3.6 ریبیسکردن
- 3.7 خلاصه
4. گیت روی سرور
- 4.1 پروتکلها
- 4.2 راهاندازی گیت در سرور
- 4.3 ساختن کلید عمومی SSH
- 4.4 نصب و راهاندازی سرور
- 4.5 دیمن گیت
- 4.6 HTTP هوشمند
- 4.7 گیتوب
- 4.8 گیتلب
- 4.9 گزینههای شخصی ثالث میزبانی شده
- 4.10 خلاصه
5. گیت توزیعشده
- 5.1 روندهای کاری توزیعشده
- 5.2 مشارکت در یک پروژه
- 5.3 نگهداری یک پروژه
- 5.4 خلاصه
6. GitHub
7. Git Tools
- 7.1 Revision Selection
- 7.2 Interactive Staging
- 7.3 Stashing and Cleaning
- 7.4 Signing Your Work
- 7.5 Searching
- 7.6 Rewriting History
- 7.7 Reset Demystified
- 7.8 Advanced Merging
- 7.9 Rerere
- 7.10 Debugging with Git
- 7.11 Submodules
- 7.12 Bundling
- 7.13 Replace
- 7.14 Credential Storage
- 7.15 Summary
8. Customizing Git
- 8.1 Git Configuration
- 8.2 Git Attributes
- 8.3 Git Hooks
- 8.4 An Example Git-Enforced Policy
- 8.5 Summary
9. Git and Other Systems
- 9.1 Git as a Client
- 9.2 Migrating to Git
- 9.3 Summary
10. Git Internals
- 10.1 Plumbing and Porcelain
- 10.2 Git Objects
- 10.3 Git References
- 10.4 Packfiles
- 10.5 The Refspec
- 10.6 Transfer Protocols
- 10.7 Maintenance and Data Recovery
- 10.8 Environment Variables
- 10.9 Summary
A1. پیوست A: Git in Other Environments
- A1.1 Graphical Interfaces
- A1.2 Git in Visual Studio
- A1.3 Git in Visual Studio Code
- A1.4 Git in Eclipse
- A1.5 Git in IntelliJ / PyCharm / WebStorm / PhpStorm / RubyMine
- A1.6 Git in Sublime Text
- A1.7 Git in Bash
- A1.8 Git in Zsh
- A1.9 Git in PowerShell
- A1.10 Summary
A2. پیوست B: Embedding Git in your Applications
- A2.1 Command-line Git
- A2.2 Libgit2
- A2.3 JGit
- A2.4 go-git
- A2.5 Dulwich
A3. پیوست C: Git Commands
- A3.1 Setup and Config
- A3.2 Getting and Creating Projects
- A3.3 Basic Snapshotting
- A3.4 Branching and Merging
- A3.5 Sharing and Updating Projects
- A3.6 Inspection and Comparison
- A3.7 Debugging
- A3.8 Patching
- A3.9 Email
- A3.10 External Systems
- A3.11 Administration
- A3.12 Plumbing Commands
A1.2 پیوست A: Git in Other Environments - Git in Visual Studio
Git in Visual Studio
Starting with Visual Studio 2013 Update 1, Visual Studio users have a Git client built directly into their IDE. Visual Studio has had source-control integration features for quite some time, but they were oriented towards centralized, file-locking systems, and Git was not a good match for this workflow. Visual Studio 2013’s Git support has been separated from this older feature, and the result is a much better fit between Studio and Git.
To locate the feature, open a project that’s controlled by Git (or just git init
an existing project), and select View > Team Explorer from the menu.
You’ll see the "Connect" view, which looks a bit like this:

Visual Studio remembers all of the projects you’ve opened that are Git-controlled, and they’re available in the list at the bottom. If you don’t see the one you want there, click the "Add" link and type in the path to the working directory. Double clicking on one of the local Git repositories leads you to the Home view, which looks like The "Home" view for a Git repository in Visual Studio.. This is a hub for performing Git actions; when you’re writing code, you’ll probably spend most of your time in the "Changes" view, but when it comes time to pull down changes made by your teammates, you’ll use the "Unsynced Commits" and "Branches" views.

Visual Studio now has a powerful task-focused UI for Git. It includes a linear history view, a diff viewer, remote commands, and many other capabilities. For complete documentation of this feature (which doesn’t fit here), go to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh850437.aspx.